bpTT Sheet Pile Wall

bpTT Sheet Pile Wall

Project Details & RCI Activities:

Project Date: December 2006
Location: Location: Galeota Point, Trinidad

bpTT operates an onshore oil and gas-receiving terminal at Galeota Point, which is located on the southeastern tip of the island of Trinidad. The facility is bordered on its eastern side by the Atlantic Ocean, a narrow beach and a sheet pile wall. The sheet pile wall was installed in 1998 along the eastern side and in a direction towards the northern boundary of the bpTT facility. There, it joins an existing sheet pile wall that is set at a lower elevation. The new sheet pile wall was placed at a higher elevation to reduce the damaging effects caused by wave overtopping. Erosion activity is impacting the integrity of the older wall and repair options must be identified.

Scope of Work:

  • Assess the current damages to the existing walls, both newer and older.
  • Identify areas that were highly susceptible to future damage.
  • Submit a recommended repair solution and plan for remedial work.
  • Identify the materials required to carryout remedial work.
  • Submit an inspection report and presentation for further review.
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