RCI provided project management and quality control services for the design, engineering and construction of a 16” diameter 4,000-foot lateral line extending from the TEPPCO P6 and P62, 16” and 20” product transmission lines to deliver up to 10,000 barrels/hour of gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel to an existing Murphy Oil storage facility located outside of Sedgwick, Arkansas. Included in the scope is the coordination of the land acquisition, ROW surveying and permitting, materials management, and the critical development and management of the communications network designed to allow the client to remotely operate and control the valves necessary to direct multiple products to the storage facility site via these remotely operated MOVs, and a dual meter skid capable of handling the pressures and flow rate range specific to this site. Key to RCI’s role in this project was our ability to provide Dept. of Transportation and Operator Qualified personnel and in working with private, state, and federal organizations to avoid protected archeologically sensitive sites and wetland areas.